City of Algoma residents have two contested races on the April 5 ballot. There is a citywide contest for mayor, and voters in District 4 will choose a City Council member. Other aldermanic candidates are unopposed.
Number of years you have resided in the city: My entire life, 67 years.
Education: Algoma High School graduate
Professional experience: In health insurance sales for over 40 years
Family: Wife, Karen; son, Kevin; stepson Carl and his wife ,Melissa; six grandchildren, Kaylah, Trenton, Kalissa, Hailee, Conor and Kenadi
Other elected office positions: Served on City Council for 11 years. Previously served as mayor from 1984 to 2002. Currently serving as vice president of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Currently serving as mayor for the past four years.
Past and present community or volunteer positions: Member of Algoma Fire Department and Rescue Squad for over 44 years, member of the board of directors for the Algoma Chamber, member of the Live Well Algoma Activation Team, volunteer at Algoma Visitor Center, former member of the Algoma Lions Club.
What do you think are the two most important issues affecting the community for which you are seeking office?
Like all communities Algoma is faced with financial challenges every year. The state and federal governments keep cutting monies in the form of grants and tax credits. We are asked to do more with less while keeping taxes in check. The cost of providing services that the residents deserve, continue to rise. We lack new construction which could increase the tax base.
How would you bring your education and experience to address these issues?
I feel that the people skills that I learned while being in sales for over 40 years, along with my ability to be a good listener and strong leader, will help me to promote the city of Algoma as a destination where people will want to Live, Work and Play. If you want your community to grow you need to promote it in a positive manner. We need to create activities that will encourage people to visit Algoma. Work closely with our current business and try and get new ones along with working closely with Live Well Algoma team to improve overall well-being.
List other information that you think the public should know about you that prepares you to take on the responsibilities of this office?
In my past four years as mayor, we were able to negotiate the purchase of a new fire truck, together with the town of Ahnapee, which saved the city $250,000. We entered into a contract with the county to manage our Police Dept., without giving up our own identity or personnel, saving the city over $70,000 a year. We recently re-negotiated a two-year contract with our current assessor at a no wage increase. Refinanced a Utility water revenue loan, which reduced the maturity date by 14 years and saved the city utility $1.3 million. We were also able to retain ownership of our lighthouse which is an historic icon of the city of Algoma. If re-elected I will continue to look for ways to reduce spending without cutting services.
Number of years you have resided in the city: I have lived in Algoma since 1960.
Education: Graduated from Algoma High School, completed the Medical Assistant Program from NWTC, Bachelor degrees in accounting and finance from UWGB. Masters of Business from UW-Oshkosh.
Professional experience: I worked at Algoma Memorial Hospital as a desk clerk, worked in the First Aid department of Bay Shipbuilding, started the Ceramic Shoppe in 1979. Worked for a CPA office in Sturgeon Bay before starting my CPA practice in Algoma in 1986.
Family; My parents, Wayne and Estelle Richmond: I have three sisters, I have three children, Ryan Stoller, Jessica Legois, and Angle Stoller. Five grandkids and 5 step-grandkids.
Other elected office positions: one year as alderperson for the city of Algoma, Several years as mayor of Algoma, currently a county board supervisor.
Past and present community or volunteer positions: I currently am a board member for Violence Intervention Project and LakeShore Cap. I was on the board of directors for the Kewaunee County Food Pantry, Kewaunee County Economic Development, Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce, Algoma Mainstreem Board, St. Mary Parish Council, board member of Bay Lake Regional Planning, Past board member of the State Main Street Organization.
What do you think are the most important issues affecting the community for which you are seeking office?
The most important issue is preserving Algoma Long Term Care. We have an aging population. When my husband had his massive stroke 12 years ago, he was placed in a nursing home outside of Algoma. It was very difficult to have a loved one an hour away from home, but Algoma had no space available. I believe things can be done to keep the facility viable. The second major issue is the lakefront and water quality issues. The problems can be solved, funding is available, we just need to go get it.
How would you bring your education and experience to address these issues?
I am very knowledgeable about finance, accounting, grant writing. My MBA focus was marketing and promotion. Good promotion of Algoma will improve the tourism and help Algoma financially. My bachelor's degrees were in finance and accounting. I am very good at reading financial statements and diagnosing problem areas. I have a great deal of course work in regional planning and public policy and administration. I understand how to find available grants and apply for them. The funds are out there if you look hard enough.
List other information that you think the public should know about you that prepares you to take on the responsibilities of this office? I plan to spend my life here. I would love to have the ability to create jobs that would bring my daughters and grandchildren back to Algoma. We have a school system that we can all be proud of. My children received an excellent education, but my two daughters have careers without job opportunities in the Algoma area.
Alderman District 4
Number of years you have resided in the city: 73 years
Education: High School Graduate, Manpower training in Milwaukee, NWTC Accounting course
Professional experience: Worked two years in Milwaukee, two years at Peterson Builders, 25 years for the Navy at SUPSHIP Sturgeon Bay retiring as the administrative officer, and retired once again after 10 years at Algoma City Hall.
Family: Son and daughters-in-law Terry and Mary, Todd and Stacey. Four grandchildren in high school and college.
Other elected office positions: I have been on the City Council since 2006 and have served as Council President for the past four years. I represent the city of Algoma on the Kewaunee County Economic Development Board. I am chairman of the Main Street board of directors and have been the chair of the Main Street Design Committee for 15 years.
Past and present community or volunteer positions: Volunteer positions are on the Shanty Days Grounds, Endowment and Entertainment committees. The Main Street Car Show and Winefest events.
What do you think are the two most important issues affecting the community for which you are seeking office:
Economic development and market rate housing are two of the issues that I would like to see emphasizes in future budgets.
How would you bring your education and experience to address these issues:.
Working the many years for the Navy and later for the city has given me a strong background for recognizing community needs and continues to encourage my involvement in keeping the city solvent.
List other information that you think the public should know about you that prepares you to take on the responsibilities of this office:
I appreciate the past support of the 4th Ward voters and hope to continue to be your voice while serving the community.
Number of years you have resided in the city: 4
Education: Bachelor’s degree, Florida State University
Professional experience: Professional water skier 1969-1986. Then became the vice president of operations for the largest single office title company in the southeast. I oversaw over 60 employees and helped to close billions of dollars in real estate loans. I am currently the owner of Stadium Diner in Algoma, which I purchased four years ago when we relocated to the area.
Family: Daughter Krystal Williams employed at St. Vincent Hospital in Green Bay and also currently an EMT for the city of Algoma, granddaughter Shante Williams graduated from Algoma High in 2014, currently a sophomore at Illinois Wesleyan University, Katelyn and Khloe Williams currently sophomores at Algoma High.
Other elected office positions: None
Past and present community or volunteer positions: I was intimately involved with the Chamber of Commerce in Florida for many years. I also planned and was the emcee of a live noon radio show highlighting community events and tourist information in Winter Haven Florida. Volunteered many hours in the school system, covering everything from arranging and speaking at career days, after school programs and chaperoning off campus educational events.
What do you think are the two most important issues affecting the community for which you are seeking office?
I strongly feel that the economic development of Algoma and the financial security of the struggling long-term health care center should be the immediate concerns of the city.
It is extremely important that we be proactive in embracing local business because retention is an integral part of economic growth. In addition we need to create an atmosphere that is for true growth, finding solutions to problems rather than creating obstacles for new businesses to hurdle. We need to have consistency and transparency with government officials. The same beliefs need to be supported in front of the cameras as well as out in the community. The financial situation of the long term health care facility has to be addressed. The people of Algoma need to be informed of the financial burden that this facility is putting on the city with no answer in sight. Any and all avenues need to be pursued in order to find a solution.
How would you bring your education and experience to address these issues?
Learning from my time that was spent in the tourist industry, I believe we need to concentrate on being an inclusive community embracing our heritage while having an eye to the future. In business you have no other choice but to find solutions to problems rather than let dreams and ideas die. Also the oldest adage of business is true: If you are not evolving and growing you are dying. I do not want to see this community die.
List other information that you think the public should know about you that prepares you to take on the responsibilities of this office?
I currently own an ongoing business, a home and another commercial building in Algoma; my daughter is on the rescue squad and my grandchildren attend school here. My family’s success depends on the success of this community. I am willing, able and desirous to create a transparent forward moving city government that is there for everyone, not the chosen few.
This article originally appeared on Green Bay Press Gazette: Algoma mayor, council candidates
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