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Girls basketball: Experience adds to Storm's team


When Nicole Geier  was on the Kewaunee Storm's varsity basketball team in 2012, the team took home the gold ball at the Division 3 state tournament.

This year, she is an assistant coach for the Storm's varsity girls basketball, and there is a gleam in her eye when asked about this season.

Asked if this team has the potential to go as far she said, "I don't know what we looked like when I was this age."

Geier says that the team does have a lot of experienced players.

Her mother, Lynn Geier, is the Storm's head coach and her sister, Brooke, a junior, is one of the team's starting players.

Lynn is focused on getting the team ready to compete this season.

"Our first goal is to get the kids together as a team, compete in every game and challenge ourselves in conference," she said.

This is Geier's eighth year as head coach.   She has been coaching basketball in Kewaunee since the 1980s.

She notes that the team has four returning starters:  Brooke Geier, Angie Kudick, Ellie Olsen and Abby VanGoethem.

"I think we definitely have experience coming back ... Our work ethic is portrayed on the practice court, and everyone is pushing each other to get to the competitive level we need to compete this season," she said.

New this year is a an iPad that allows the players to watch  replays of their drills.

At this practice, Geier is telling them that they need to improve their defense and has them working on box-out drills that she then replays on the iPad.

The Kewaunee Storm basketball team has a strong group of experienced juniors and seniors this year including (front row, left to right) Michele Kielpikowski, Angie Kudick, McKenna Rentmeester, Brooke Geier (back row, left to right) Ellie Olsen, Abby Baumgartner, Kristin Malach, Hannah Lamack and Abigial VanGoethem.

Lynn Geier, head coach for Kewaunee girls basketball, uses a new iPad to review the team's practice drills.

Nicole said that she expects the rivalry with Algoma to be as strong as ever this year and also looks forward to their game with Roncalli.

Their first game is at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 20 against Gilbraltar on the Kewaunee court..

This article originally appeared on Green Bay Press Gazette: Girls basketball: Experience adds to Storm's team