Friday, September 20, 2024
Serving Algoma, Casco, Kewaunee, Luxemburg and all of Kewaunee County

Giving thanks for help with ‘Friends for Thanksgiving’


“Friends for Thanksgiving” is a meal that is served to people in Kewaunee County area on Thanksgiving Day, which this year is Nov. 24.

This is the eighth year that this meal will be served. In 2015 an estimated 575 people were served, and what a difference from the first year, when about 125 people were served. The meal is prepared for people who may be having financial stress or may want to be at the meal for socializing with other people.

The meal is served at 11:30 a.m. Nov. 24 at St. John Lutheran Church, 700 Heritage Road, Luxemburg. The turkey dinner includes dessert and a beverage.

Meals can be delivered to homes and business in the Kewaunee County area. Those wishing to have a meal delivered or to pick up should call Nancy Hendricks at 920-660-3664 by Nov. 12. Meals can also be picked up at the church starting at 11:30 a.m. that day. People can also request that a meal be delivered to someone in need.

The group that prepares the meal — Jan Jauquet, Nancy Hendricks, Kathy Ledvina and Joan DeGrand —begin planning in August. Preparation includes, but is not limited to, printing and distributing materials, ordering food, organizing volunteers, ordering food, clean-up and coordinating meal delivery.

After the day ends, the group does say “Thank you” for what they have, and what they have to offer, because sometimes people don’t always see the less fortunate and the needs of the county. One’s heart feels a little lighter because of the smiles that were brought or the people saying “Thank you” for making their day better.

The group also says a big “Thank you” to the business owners and all volunteers that help, whether by donating food, monetary donations, putting up signs or posters, or just your thoughts. With your help and assistance, this day is successful.

This article originally appeared on Wisconsin: Giving thanks for help with ‘Friends for Thanksgiving’