Kewaunee: The Friday night high school football season starts with Kewaunee taking on Southern Door at Southern Door.
Algoma: All aboard for the Algoma Railroad Excursion Trains. Leaving Algoma daily at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., the trains offer 28 miles of scenic family fun.
Countywide: Luxemburg-Casco, Algoma and Kewaunee all have something going for them as they prepare for the Packerland high school football campaign. L-C has the numbers, Algoma has the returnees and Kewaunee has the reputation. It remains to be seen whether each is enough to make a team a contender.
Luxemburg: The Kewaunee County Fair runs for the Labor Day weekend and offers fun and the best entertainment acts in its history. The midway will be lively, and merchants and industries will be displaying their wares.
Slovan: Eight years ago Mrs. Arthur Jacobs got into collecting salt and pepper shakers. The enthusiastic collector has amassed 441 different sets with no thoughts of stopping.
Montpelier: Parents and friends are invited to celebrate the opening of the new school year with divine services at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. St. Paul’s School offers a full eight-grade elementary course along with religious instruction.
Rostok: Miss Myrtle Barr and Pfc. Joseph Duval were married at Sedalia, Missouri last Wednesday. Duval is stationed at the Army air field in nearby Warrensburg. The new Mrs. Duval intends to remain in Sedalia.
Town of Ahnapee: Otto Waldo can boast about an unusually high grain yield on his 118-acre farm. He sowed 44 acres to grain and, following threshing, the harvest totaled 1966 bushels.
Montpelier: Frank Prochnow was selected as the winner of the Dairy Production Contest in Kewaunee County. Prochnow has a purebred Helstein herd following a program of culling out his grade stock.
Algoma: One of Louis Kammer’s dray teams was hauling freight to Merchants Dock when one of the animals went through the planking, badly skinning its leg. The team is very valuable and it is lucky the accident did not result in permanent injury. The dock company should hold itself responsible for such diligence as repair and inspection.
Bolt: A medicine show held at Krynik Hall for about 10 days is closing Sunday and going to Tisch Mills. It attracted large crowds at all performances.
Casco: Dvorak and Gaynor are having the offices in their garage remodeled. When improvements are made, it will considerably add to handling business more efficiently.
Bolt: Pvt. Lester Heidmann, in training at Brennan School of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents, the Albert Heidmanns. He expects to be ordered to Pennsylvania for actual training to work in the coal mines, drilling and blasting out coal.
Foscoro: Grasshoppers are numerous along the lake region and were washed ashore in such numbers that they formed heaps of a foot or more. The mass caused an obnoxious smell as they decayed in the hot sun. Capt. Fellows sent a team to plow the hoppers under the sand because the stench is unbearable.
Ahnapee: Some miscreant entered St. Mary’s Church and carried away the alms box. The box was valued at $6 and the contents were between $1 and $2. A day before the burglary, the Rev. Cipin removed $12 from the box. There are no sufficient facts to identify the burglar, but there is a slight clue.
Ahnapee: Meverden and Roberts have a new 24-by-36-foot addition to their tannery. In finishing their own leather, they found their room was inadequate, hence the new building.
Foscoro: While in the sawmill, Fred Fellows had the misfortune to get one of his feet in the way of a carriage, thus losing his second and third toe. Fred thinks the carriage is invincible and will no more use his toes to turn it.
Lincoln: During the showers last Tuesday, lightning struck a gate post in front of Youngs’ house and tore it to splinters. A nearby pile of stone was scattered in every direction. Several men close by had their hats knocked off their heads and Louey Wagner was seriously injured.
This article originally appeared on Green Bay Press-Gazette: Heaps of dead grasshoppers, man vs. carriage: From the Kewaunee County news archives