Send your organization’s events and activities to or P.O. Box 86, Kewaunee, WI 54216, preferably two weeks in advance but no later than noon Tuesday for the Saturday edition.
Saturday, April 1
• USED BOOK SALE, 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Saturdays, 1325 Ellis St., Kewaunee. Sponosred by Friends of the Library.
• DRIVE-THRU GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALE, 9 a.m.-noon, Knudson Hall, 620 Lake St., Algoma. Use the Clark Street entrance, and Algoma Girl Scouts will come to your car, take your order and bring your cookies to you. Cookies, $4 per box. 920-255-3195.
• FUNDRAISING RUMMAGE SALE, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. April 1, Kewaunee County Food Pantry, 1528 Sunset Ave., Algoma. (920) 487-3663.
• FARMERS MARKET, 9 a.m. Saturdays, 1614 Center St., Kewaunee.
Sunday, April 2
• LUXEMBURG LIONS CLUB BINGO, noon doors open, bingo at 1 p.m., St. John’s Lutheran Church, 700 Heritage Road, Luxemburg. Food and refreshments served. 920-536-0219.
Monday, April 3
• SHEEPSHEAD, 1 p.m. Kewaunee Community Congregational Church, 502 Center St., Kewaunee. Public cards, first and third Mondays of the month, Golden Age cards second and fourth Mondays of the month. For more information, call 920-388-4690.
• ALL SAINTS BINGO, Doors open 5:30 p.m. Mondays, bingo begins at 6:30 p.m. All Saints Parish Activity Center, 125 N. St. Claude St., Denmark. Hot sandwiches, homemade dessert and free popcorn. For more information, visit or, or call 920-863-5256.
Tuesday, April 4
• SQUEEKER YOUTH SPORTS BASEBALL/SOFTBALL SIGNUP, 6 p.m., Tisch Mills fire station, N110 Manitowoc County B, Tisch Mills. $15 per child, $25 maximum per family. 920-776-1978.
• BABY STORY TIME, 10 a.m., Algoma Public Library, 406 Fremont St., Algoma. For babies and toddlers birth through age 2. 920-487-2295.
• TOPS WI 0326, 9 a.m., Knudson Hall, Community Center, 620 Lake St., Algoma. Use the Clark Street door. Weekly weight loss support group. 920-487-2797
• ALGOMA OPTIMISTS CLUB, 7 a.m. Tuesdays, Caffe Tlazo, 607 Fourth St., Algoma.
• SHEEPSHEAD, 1 p.m. Tuesdays, Algoma Youth Club, 620 Lake St. Algoma Golden Agers Card Club, open to ages 50 and older. 920-487-5404 or 920-487-2735.
• KEWAUNEE OPTIMISTS CLUB, 7 a.m. first and third Tuesdays, Kunkels Korner, 301 Ellis St., Kewaunee. First and third Tuesday.
Wednesday, April 5
• USED EQUIPMENT MACHINE SHOP SALE PREVIEW, 3-6 p.m. April 5, Kewaunee School District, 921 Third St., Kewaunee. See the equipment and ask questions. Sale date is 8 a.m.-3 p.m. April 14. Most equipment sold by sealed bid. 920-388-2458, Ext. 510, or email
Thursday, April 6
• LITTLE SPROUTS PLAYGROUP, 9:30-10:30 a.m., St. Paul’s Lutheran School, 1115 Division St., Algoma. Bible story circle time, play room and gym time for children, newborn to age 5 with their caregivers. First and third Thursday of the month.
Friday, April 7
• STORY HOUR, 10 a.m. Fridays, Algoma Public Library, 406 Fremont St., Algoma. For children age 3-6. 920-487-2295.
• PRESCHOOL STORY TIME, 10:30 a.m., Kewaunee Public Library, 822 Juneau St., Kewaunee.
Saturday, April 8
• ALL ABOARD THE CHRISTMAS TREE SHIP, 1 p.m., Kewaunee County Historical Society, 217 Ellis St., Kewaunee. Rochelle Pennington’s presentation with stories, photos and artifacts. Refreshments and social follow. Free.
• USED BOOK SALE, 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Saturdays, 1325 Ellis St., Kewaunee. Sponsored by Friends of the Library.
• A NIGHT TO REMEMBER BRAD VANNESS, 2-11 p.m., Lake Haven Hall, 96 Ellis St., Kewaunee. Greatest Hits Polka Band, 2-11 p.m. Antique Rock, 2:30-5:30 p.m. and 7-10 p.m. Food and refreshments, silent auction, baskets, bake sale. Kids’ activities. Proceeds to benefit the Myocarditis foundation in memory of Brad Vanness. 920- 255-3328.
• POLKA DANCE, 1-5 p.m. April 8, JW’s Place, N5685 Kewaunee County E, Slovan. Honoring the music career of Ken Ouradnik. Music by Mark Jirikovec Band. 920-837-2211.
• ALGOMA BIRD CELEBRATION, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Algoma Community, 620 Lake St., Algoma. Vendor sales, informational displays, activities for children. Programs: “Getting the Picture: Song Birds, Shore Birds, Waterfowl” by photographer Robert Kuhn, 10 a.m. Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary chief naturalist Kim Diedrich offers kid-friendly opportunity to meet a live red-tailed hawk, 11 a.m. Karen Newbern of Door Landscape & Nursery presents “Birdscaping with Native Plants,” 12:30 p.m. Food and programing all day. Algoma Bird Bistro community gardening project update. Free. Details at, on Facebook or call 920-487-8136.
• FREE SKIN CANCER SCREENING, by appointment, Luxemburg Medical Center-Prevea, 101 School Creek Trail, Luxemburg. Call 920-388-7160.
Saturday-Sunday, April 8-9
• ROSARY SOCIETY BAKE SALE, after 4 p.m. mass April 8, and after 10:15 a.m. mass April 9, Holy Rosary Church, 521 Juneau St., Kewaunee. Kolaches, rolls, Easter bakery, basket raffle. (920) 388-3521.
Sunday, April 9
• POLKA DANCE/BRAT FRY, 1-5 p.m., Francis Creek Fire Dept., 200 Norwood Drive, Francis Creek. Music by Mark Jirikovec Combo. 920-682-7410.
Monday, April 10
• KEWAUNEE SENIOR CENTER ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION, 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. meal, 1 p.m. cards, Kewaunee Community Congregational Church, 502 Center St., Kewaunee. Entertainment by Mike Peterson, sponsored by the Kewaunee Atrium. Reservations required by April 7. 877-416-7082.
This article originally appeared on Wisconsin: Local events: April 1-10