Friday, September 20, 2024
Serving Algoma, Casco, Kewaunee, Luxemburg and all of Kewaunee County

Ludlow: Easter weekend is here, hopefully with warm weather on the way


I can't believe it's Easter weekend already, but I'm not complaining. So I will start by wishing all the readers a Happy and Blessed Easter.

I'm sure everyone is ready for an improvement in the weather. I know I definitely am. I heard that Saturday is supposed to be warmer, at least inland, but it likely won't last.  However, maybe we'll get a taste of what's to come as spring gets underway. I'm just anxious for warmer temperatures and trying to be an optimist. .

A lot of golfers around Kewaunee are anxious to get out there and start swinging and chase that little white ball around the Alaskan Golf Course. I know I am. My clubs are in the trunk and ready to go.

►As I'm writing this, I have "The Price is Right" on TV. I can't believe how these full-grown adults act like 10 year-old children, jumping up and down. They must be coached to do that.

► We have an election next week, going to the polls Tuesday. So I would like to remind Kewaunee County residents to go to their local polling places that day and cast your votes for local officials. I've always felt that if you don't vote, you can't complain when you don't think elected officials are doing their job. And being vocal with my opinions, I always make it a point to get to the polls.

► I found this cute story on the internet and thought my readers would also get a kick out of it.

A man walks into a bar, obviously stone drunk, and asks for a drink.

“Sorry,” said the bartender, "but you obviously already had a little to much to drink.”

Fuming mad, the drunk walks out the front door and back in through the side door. “Can I have a drink, please.”

“Sorry” the bartender says, "but you can’t have a drink here.”

The drunk walks out and comes back in through the back door. “Can I please have a drink.”

“Enough!” the bartender screamed “I told you, no drinks!”

The drunk looks at the bartender closely and exclaims, “Darn! How many bars you work at?”

Then I saw another one. One person asks, “How's your diet going? The other answers, “Well, I had eggs for breakfast.”

“What kind?” the first one asks.


And with that,, have a great week, everyone, and again, a happy, happy Easter!

Barb Ludlow is a former Kewaunee County reporter. Email her at

This article originally appeared on Green Bay Press-Gazette: Ludlow: Easter weekend is here, hopefully with warm weather on the way