It was a surprisingly nice Memorial Day weekend.
For years it was our first weekend to go camping and more often than not, it rained. We would head up to Door County on Friday after work, set up the campsite and play golf all the weekend at Alpine Golf Course or Peninsula State Park. I had a little pop-up camper that made a lot of trips with yours truly and good friend Lou Orr, who passed last fall. We pulled that little trailer all over the state and, for that matter, all over a good portion of the country.
But as we got old, so did camping. It is a lot of work setting up a campsite, cooking meals, and so on. Eventually I sold the camper and we opted for motels. It's a lot easier that way. But the weather was so nice this weekend, I couldn't help but think about years past and the good times we had.
Enough about the past. Those day are done and gone.
► Surprise, surprise! The Milwaukee Brewers are doing very well this year. I used to be a big baseball fan, but when the Braves left Milwaukee, I was angry and quit watching the sport.
Then the Brewers came into being, and once in a while I turn them on. It's a lot more fun watching them win. I still prefer watching football, but it's the wrong time of the year.
► Isn't it weird that the older we get, the faster time goes. As kids, it seemed like we were always looking forward to something and it took forever to get there. Well, it seems like yesterday it was just the first of May, and now it's June. How does that happen so quick?
► Here's a cute story I found on the internet.
A highway patrolman waited outside a popular bar, hoping for a bust. At closing time everyone came out and he spotted his potential quarry. The man was so obviously inebriated that he could barely walk. He stumbled around the parking lot for a few minutes, looking for his car.
After trying his keys on five other cars, he finally found his own vehicle. He sat in the car a good 10 minutes as the other patrons left. He turned his lights on, then off, wipers on, then off. He started to pull forward into the grass, then stopped.
Finally, when he was the last car, he pulled out onto the road and started to drive away. The patrolman, waiting for this, turned on his lights and pulled the man over. He administered the breathalyzer test, and to his great surprise, the man blew a 0.00. The patrolman was dumbfounded. "This equipment must be broken!" he exclaimed.
"I doubt it," said the man. "Tonight I was the designated decoy."
Have a great week, everyone.
Barb Ludlow is a former Kewaunee County reporter. Email her at
This article originally appeared on Green Bay Press-Gazette: Ludlow: Nice Memorial Day weekend stirs memories
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