Monday, September 16, 2024
Serving Algoma, Casco, Kewaunee, Luxemburg and all of Kewaunee County

Ludlow: We're still waiting for some spring weather


Last week I wrote about Mother Nature being AWOL. Well, she is still reported missing as we are all anxious for some real spring weather.

Alright, we haven't had snow for a while, but the temperatures just don't want to budge out of the 30s. And if it does manage to crawl up, the next day it's right back down.

As of this writing, some form of precipitation is predicted by the the end of the week. All I know is, I'm ready for some warm weather and sunshine. It's time, and my golf clubs are calling me as they roll around in the trunk of my car. I guess I'm just anxious.

► Looking forward to Saturday. Some of the people I used to work with are getting together for lunch in Algoma. It will be nice to see them again and talk about old times. Things sure do change as the years come and go and we all get older and slower.

► I was checking on events in Kewaunee County and noticed that rock band Spice will be playing at Heritage Farm, south of Kewaunee, the evening of April 28. They always draw a good crowd. So put that on your calendar of things to do and places to go.

► I found this little story on the Internet which was published in a Reader's Digest, submitted by Marian Babula of Penn Run, Pennsylvania..

A high school student's assignment 
was to ask a veteran about World War II. This particular vet was chosen because he had served 
in the Philippines during the war. After a few basic questions, the student very gingerly asked, “Did you ever kill anyone?”

In a soft voice, the vet answered, “Probably. I was the cook.”

And then there was this one, submitted by Sourabh Bhatia: A couple of dog owners were arguing about whose pet was smarter.

“My dog is so smart,” said the first owner, “that every morning he waits for the paperboy to come around. He tips the kid and then brings the newspaper to me, along with my morning coffee.”

“I know,” said the second dog owner.

“How do you know?”

“My dog told me.”

Have a great week, everyone.

Barb Ludlow is a former Kewaunee County reporter. Email her at

This article originally appeared on Green Bay Press-Gazette: Ludlow: We're still waiting for some spring weather