Thursday, September 19, 2024
Serving Algoma, Casco, Kewaunee, Luxemburg and all of Kewaunee County

The deer hunt is on, so be safe outside and don't trespass


This Saturday marks the beginning of the weeklong deer hunting season. While this event has many traditions and memories which make it special to so many in our community, it also brings with it some recurring issues which deserve to be mentioned.

The first of these issues is safety. By this I mean the safety of those participating in the hunting season, and those who choose to enjoy the beautiful outdoors as they would any other time of year.

It goes without saying that, for those who are hunting, there are two basic rules: know your target, and know what is beyond your target.

Especially in the era of rifle hunting, the second of the two rules is very important. Although not intended, there always seem to be those few calls involving stray rounds.

If you are one of those individuals who just wants to enjoy being outside over the next two weeks, be aware of the increased activity in the adjacent properties and public lands. Although you are not required to wear it, and it isn’t the most stylish color, blaze orange is always a good choice to wear if you're out exploring nature.

Also, whether you are hunting or just going for a walk, always let someone know where you are going and what route you are taking to get there.

The other issue which seems to become more frequent is that of trespassing.

This is pretty self explanatory — if you don’t have permission to be there, don’t be there.

Many property owners allow for others to be on their lands for the purpose of hunting. However, this is not mandatory on their part. If they choose to say no, respect them for that decision and move on.

Also, don’t assume that just because you’ve hunted there for many years, you don’t have to ask permission. Circumstances change and it is a good idea to re-establish these relationships each year. Probably wouldn’t hurt to bring some venison from last year as a sweetener.

I wish everyone a safe and productive hunt.

Matt Joski is Kewaunee County Sheriff.

This article originally appeared on Green Bay Press-Gazette: The deer hunt is on, so be safe outside and don't trespass