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Serving Algoma, Casco, Kewaunee, Luxemburg and all of Kewaunee County

Whale carcass, missing fingertip: From the Kewaunee County news archives


40 years ago: 1978

Rosiere: The parish at St. Hubert is grateful to the Revs. Hinkles and Schalk, who filled in for the pastor, Rev. Simon Becker, who just returned from his trip to Europe. The trip included a visit to the grave of Pope Paul Vl and a 45-minute wait in line.

Algoma: A replica of Columbus’s flagship Santa Maria is expected to arrive and will be escorted into the harbor by a flotilla of local boats. The captain and crew are dressed in authentic 15th-century costumes and will be ready with tours enabling visitors to relive history.

Rostok: Roadside Inn is the place to be on Aug. 4. Dance to the music of Jerry Voelker and the Jolly Gents and enjoy free beer. Admission is $1 at the door.

60 years ago: 1958

Casco: Casco High School student Mary Ellen Thiry is attending the State Fair at Milwaukee to perform with the state FHA chorus when it sings in the Little Theatre as well as in radio and TV appearances. Magdaline Dhuey is the FHA advisor.

Wolf River:  When the school district consolidated with Algoma, it was thought the little schoolhouse would stand empty, but it will open Sept. 2 with 12 or 14 students. Miss Flora Rock will again be the teacher. The school has been cleaned spic and span for the new term.

Thiry Daems: Banns were published (meaning, an impending marriage announcement was made) at St. Odile’s Church for Darlene Metzler and Lyrie Hallet. A large number attended a shower at Duquaine’s hall in Champion.

75 years ago: 1943

Lincoln: Many Catholics from this vicinity made their annual pilgrimage to the chapel at Robinsonville on Sunday.

Kewaunee:  Every part of the county was represented at the meeting of War Bond workers at the courthouse. The county’s quota is nearly $1 million.

Norman: Joseph Pekarek died. He was born in Bohemia and spent the early years of his life there, also marrying his wife, Mary Panek, there. They came to this country and settled in Carlton. His funeral was held at St. Joseph’s Church.

100 years ago: 1918

Countywide: Local banks will close Saturday afternoons until further notice. It is the custom of banks in a majority of places to close on Saturdays, especially during summer. There is usually little banking business transacted during these hours.

Bolt: Mike Kugel joined the users of the Chevrolet motor cars. It was another Chevrolet sold by Algoma Motor Car. Co.

Brookside: Mr. and Mrs. William Kemp were visited Sunday afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. John Koss of Algoma, Mr. and Mrs. John Kirchmann of Woodside and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raether of Bruemmerville.

Countywide: People must take an interest in exhibiting their stock for the show ring. Even judges are more partial to a well-fitted exhibit. Animals should be worthy and in better than average condition. The state is ready to pay up to 80 percent of the premium money, and Kewaunee County offers as good a premium as anywhere.

125 years ago: 1893

Kewaunee: The pearl button factory and Kewaunee Brick and Tile Co. have shut down owing to the prevailing stringency in money matters. About 35 men were thrown out of employment.

Countywide: Wednesday morning’s rain revived vegetation which for months past languished at the mercy of a withering sun, the heat of which has parched and dwarfed grass and field crops of all kinds the length of the entire peninsula.

Countywide: A monster whale cadaver, for some months past exhibition at the World’s Fair in Chicago, is now making a tour northward. It needs nothing to herald its coming as it can be scented afar off, as many Kewaunee ladies can attest.

140 years ago: 1878

Bruemmerville: A heavy storm blew down Henry Bruemmer’s mill smokestack, causing about $35 damage. The wind swept down the course of the stream, extending a few rods on either side of it, and was of short duration.

Ahnapee: Our quiet little village is becoming more attractive and better known to pleasure seekers. Some enterprising person should erect a commodious hotel on one of the beautiful lake sites and keep it open during the hot summer. There is no doubt that in a short time, the village would be as much sought for as the noted resorts are.

Bottkolville: Mr. Joseph Wautlet was examining the need for oil in feed rollers at the mill when he accidentally got his forefinger in the gearing. The finger was taken off just back of the nail.

This article originally appeared on Green Bay Press-Gazette: Whale carcass, missing fingertip: From the Kewaunee County news archives


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